CX1™ has landed.
Industry-tailored Strategic Account Management will never be the same.
Accelerate the impact of account-based selling with a Vertical SaaS Salesforce Lightning solution tailored for multiple industries.
How does ClarityCX1 help automate Strategic Account Management for multiple verticals?
In a rush and want to skip straight to the tech? Go to chapter 4. If not, stick around to see what you might be missing from your SAM approach.
Chapter 1
Had a taste of winning big? It’s time for a whole bite
Despite a new methodology, there’s still a gap when it comes to engaging effectively with customers. Here’s how to close it.
It’s time for the right tech to match your sales methodology
Here’s what you should be looking for to make the most of your approach with the right technology.
Chapter 2
Need to get everyone on the same page?
Reframe the conversation around buy-in to get everyone aligned.
Chapter 4
Welcome to CX1™.
Solve your Key Account Management automation needs at scale with a light-touch CRM tool.
The opportunity
How does ClarityCX1 help automate Strategic Account Management for multiple industries?
Commercial teams in multiple industries have felt the growing pressure to transition from tactical selling to strategic account management. And a lot of companies have acknowledged the need for new SAM processes. But when it comes time to automating best practices, data and tools for those new SAM approaches, that’s where things break down. CRM/SFA systems out-of-the-box don’t really fit the needs of specific industries.
It used to be an ordeal to fix this. The good news? ClarityCX1 fills the gap between your technology and your methodology.
The really good news? You can tell your account teams to move off of Excel (and into the future).
You’re working hard to move to an account-based approach. How can you get there with less pain and more gain?
With a light-touch CRM tool designed with people like you in mind. (Seriously. We’ve got 12 years of account teams’ feedback to prove it).
Interest piqued?
Let’s tool up together.
Chapter 1
You’ve had a taste of winning big. ClarityCX1 can help you take a whole bite.
There are some seriously big wins to be had in account-based stakeholder engagement, and you might have landed a few. With the resources in the right places, there are a lot more.
Your organization is trying different approaches but pipeline visibility is still seriously lacking.
So you end up spending too much time looking for and qualifying the right opportunities with the right stakeholders. Sound familiar? If you’ve got the right technology for Strategic Account Management pre-built for your particular industry, it shouldn’t.
How do you close the gap?
People change is the first step (and you’ve probably taken it). Tech that’s tailored to your particular industry and market to make it consistent and sustained is the second.
You can skip below to find out more about our CRM tool that’s taking account-based stakeholder engagement by storm, or read on to see how to overcome any roadblocks to implementing a vertical SaaS solution.
Sounds perfect, right?
So, what could get in the way?
We might have an idea.
Chapter 2
Getting everyone on the same page.
The shift from tactical selling to Strategic Account Management has been underway for quite some time now. It didn’t come from nowhere — it’s a product of increased complexity and a more diverse set of customer decision makers. So, you’re doing your best to pivot. But the current account planning tools aren’t built to keep up with the change and are not tailored for your industry.
Essentially, people in your organization need proof, not posturing. They probably won’t believe the right thing even exists.
Everyone — from account managers to sales leaders — is anxious about investing in something that once again has big promises, but falls short. And they’re worried that anything new will be more pain than gain.
They’ll need help adjusting to the idea of a new solution to match their upgraded account approach and one that’s already pre-built for their industry.
It might be hard to wrangle everybody across your business behind something new and shiny when they all have different pains (and aren’t afraid to talk about them), but to get buy-in, you need to do just that.
What’s next?
Read on to understand what you need to get everyone in your business bought into a new tool — as well as a handy exercise to help you get there.
Chapter 3
It’s time for the right Vertical SaaS solution to accelerate your account-based approach.
Account teams in multiple industries have talked to us for 12 years about the pains of getting Strategic Account Management right. We listened.
Now, there’s an easier way to make the most of your efforts. It’s the final piece of the account-based puzzle, which operationalizes your account-based approach – embedding it and making it “second nature” across your organization.
What do account teams like yours need?
A tech solution that merges a structured approach to Strategic Account Management and people change you’ve been working on that’s pre-built for your industry.
A tool that closes the gap between what account stakeholders and decision makers expect during engagement and what account teams can offer.
Something that’s systematic, company-wide and plug-and-play.
We’ve come up with a workbook that helps articulate this value to your organization and shows you how to prepare for a new piece of tech.
Through quick, practical exercises and guidance, our start-up guide will show your teams the benefits of a new technology solution designed to help accelerate your account-based strategy.
It’s all you need to speed up your journey and get everyone on the same page.
Download our strategic account management workbook with just one click
Welcome to CX1™
A Salesforce Lightning solution pre-tailored for account-based teams in your industry and built around the best practices for account-based selling that you know works
So you can:
- Accelerate your switch to strategic selling and improve sales performance
- Enhance collaboration across your organization
- Reduce the burden of tech and processes
- Increase the seniority and knowledge of your teams
- Engage in better-qualified opportunities, more frequently